Rail Trail 2007

Rail Trail in Enfield NH

It has been a good few weeks for riding on the rail trail. There are lots of people out walking, running and riding. The bugs are out so remember your bug dope. The Twin State Trailbusters have been doing a great job taking care of the trail.

Ducks along the Rail Trail beside Mascoma Lake

I have seem many ducks, geese, loons and a beaver along the trail so far this year.

A few notable events coming up connected with the Rail Trail include the Skip Matthews Run on Fathers Day June 17th, 2007. Runners take note. This event is for a good cause. I also saw a flyer for an upcoming Rail Trail Rumble in September to benefit Headrest.

Step it Up 2007 at Dartmouth

Bernie Sanders at Step It Up 2007

The Upper Valley joined the national Step It Up movement scheduled to take place nationwide on April 14, 2007. There were events that ranged from skiing in Wyoming to diving on a coral reef in Florida.
A little after one o’clock a group of walkers along with Senator Bernie Sanders crossed the Ledyard Bridge and walked up the hill to the Dartmouth Green. Several groups has set up display tables including VINS, the Sierra Club, Upper Valley Localvores and Advanced Transit. Senator Sanders was the first of several inspiring speakers for the event. The vegetable oil powered Big Green Bus was there along with another car that was also powered by vegetable oil and diesel.