Foliage hike to Mt. Abraham and Lincoln Peak

In the fall I like to get in a hike as close to the foliage peak as possible. This year I joined a group for a hike on the Long Trail to Mt. Abraham in Warren, VT.

Mt. Abraham Trail Sign

There were lots of other hikers on the trail and the summit of Mt. Abraham was a busy place.

We had a great view to the west through the gap to Bristol, VT and Lake Champlain in the distance.

Naturally we had to go see the Mt. Abraham plane wreck while we were there.

The New England Hiking page tells us,

“On June 28, 1973, a pilot on his way from Twin Mountain, Vermont to Newburgh, New York was trying to navigate through a thick cloud and struck some trees at roughly 3,000 feet elevation on Mount Abraham. He survived the plane crash, but parts of the place still exist on the mountain today.”

I had been studying the maps for this hike for some time and had the crazy idea to hike past Mt. Abraham and the plane wreck along the ridge to Lincoln Peak, which is also the top of Sugarbush Ski area. I wanted to get some photos of the views in addition to the ski lodge from the summit.