Hike to AMC Lonesome Lake Hut

On February 23, 2019 I joined a meetup.com group to take my first hike to the AMC Lonesome Lake hut in Franconia Notch in Franconia, NH.

Although the trail was only 1.6 miles from Lafayette Place Campground,  it was a steep stair climber hike!

Franconia Ridge Panorama February 23 2019-1

Hiking to Lonesome Lake February 23 2019-9

Even though it was steep climb, the view of Franconia Ridge was well worth it.

Hiking to Lonesome Lake February 23 2019-10

The Lonesome Lake Hut was a fantastic place to rest and relax. Hikers and overnight guests can buy a hot drink and snacks.



Hiking to Lonesome Lake February 23 2019-3

The wood stove, the small book shelf filled with books and board games made the hut an awesome place to relax, unwind and warm up.

Hiking to Lonesome Lake February 23 2019-11

The good thing about hiking to the hut in the winter is that we could walk across the lake rather than around it.

This places is definitely on my list of place to visit again!